Images and rights

The Estate of Yves Klein has the exclusive right to grant to third parties a right to exploit works of the artist including the right of reproduction and / or representation within the meaning of the provisions of Book III of the Code of Intellectual Property, as well as the rights of the artist's personality and trademarks.

The Estate of Yves Klein entrusted the ADAGP - a society of authors in the graphic and plastic arts - to manage the artist's copyright for France and the rest of the world. Any request for exploitation relating to the artist's works must be forwarded either directly to the Yves Klein Estate or to the ADAGP for prior approval by clicking HERE.

Any unauthorized use constitutes an offense of counterfeiting.

The modalities for the reproduction of the work shall be formalized in writing, it being understood that it shall contain, as a minimum, the following undertakings:
1. The work reproduced can under no circumstances be cut or cropped, nothing can be superimposed on it.
2. The work must be reproduced in its original color.
3. Any act of reproduction must be accompanied, in the vicinity or in a detailed table of reproduced illustrations, of the Legend and Copyright Notice below.

Caption: Yves Klein, work title, (inventory #), year, technique, dimensions in cm, storage place as part of a public collection
Copyright : © The Estate of Yves Klein c/o ADAGP Paris / year of publication

N.B.: ADAGP do not grant the photographer’s right. The author or its legal successors should be requested to obtain permission. Yves Klein Estate disclaims all liability for the use of images which was not the object of a corresponding compulsory authorization according to the legislation in force regarding intellectual property.